The deficit hawks assert that we need to cut spending, and cut it now. This, of course, is the
intuitive response. For the more money we borrow and spend now, the worse our
interest burden becomes in the future. More tax revenue will be used to service
our interest payments; we might even borrow to pay off interest on other loans.
To compound the issue, entitlement spending is ballooning
as social security and healthcare costs continue to grow.
With more and more tax revenue being directed toward
interest payments and entitlements, investments in our future—like R&D,
education and infrastructure— will increasingly diminish. This combination of
slowing growth and dwindling revenue could mean that we are unable to service
our current interest burden, resulting in soaring interest rates and even a
default on our sovereign debt. The medicine that many prescribe for preventing
the chaos is an unpleasant decrease in spending—otherwise known as austerity. Sound
logical? Sure it does.

Why? Because contractionary policies will put us back into
recession. The different outcomes between the policy responses of the United
Kingdom and the United States offer valuable insight in to what works.
The UK plans to cut the overall spending of government
agencies by 10% by next year. While the object of this policy is to bring the
deficit to 0%, it has instead only managed to hamstring growth. As a result, the
UK is currently about to consummate its ongoing flirtation with a triple-dip
The coalition government in the UK fails to understand that Britain’s
primary problem is not growing deficit spending, but a revenue decrease attributable
to a depressed economy—of which a growing deficit is a symptom. Foisting
contractionary policies on a beleaguered economy cripples recovery. Austerity
has left the UK with a sclerotic negative growth rate of -.3%, a far cry from
the 4.8% the government expected.
During a debate with Joe Scarborough on Charlie Rose,
economist Paul Krugman forwarded the viewpoint that the immediate need for
stimulus must take precedence over the long-term debt challenge. He remarked
that focusing on improving employment now would generate sufficient revenue to
offset our deficit and to prevent a long-term debt crisis. Scarborough himself
conceded that during the Clinton administration the Republican Party spent years
trying to cut deficit spending, only to find that once the labor force was
fully utilized, the deficit was evaporated by the additional revenue
However, many deficit scolds are worried that in an effort
to stimulate the economy, accumulated debt will reach a point of no return—a
danger zone at which public debt-to-GDP will alarm investors who will then view US debt as riskier and lose confidence in US credit.

However, there is no clear consensus about where this danger
zone is. Neil Irwin cites a paper by David Greenlaw, James D. Hamlton, Peter
Hooper and Frederic S. Mashkin who state that this tipping point is around a
debt-to-GDP of 80%. Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published a frequently
cited paper asserting the tipping point to be around 90%.
However, many economists—including Eric Rosengren and Jerome
Powell—impugn these findings, charging that they ignore key factors that allow
the US to safely sustain a much higher debt-to-GDP ratio, such as its ability
to set interest rates and borrow in its own currency.
In fact, Krugman asserts that a debt-to-GDP of 100% is
acceptable, and notes that both Japan and the UK have sustained ratios of
around 200% without a serious rise in interest rates. If there is a danger-zone,
it is far above current level of 75%, which according the CBO, is expected to
remain steady. The perception of where that danger zone is will influence
policy. A higher danger zone implies more room for fiscal stimulus.
Nevertheless, this still fails to mention the icing on the
cake. Because of the instability in the Euro Zone, investors are flocking to US
Treasuries, which have seen their highest demand since 1995. The real yield on US
Treasury bonds remains negative—meaning we are borrowing without any real interest.
In other words, we can continue to borrow cheaply in order to stimulate the
economy and get employment back to a healthy rate. Instead, however, we are
fighting tooth and nail to cut a deficit that is accompanied by historically
low interest rates. As the global economy improves, and investors find other
safe investments, this opportunity will dissipate.
The deficit scolds have spun a touching narrative by framing
the depressed economy as a generational responsibility. But economic forces seem
to lack a corresponding empathy. Moreover, this argument ultimately falls into
a logical trap. By failing to stimulate our ailing economy now, we are only succeeding in exacerbating both our long- and
short-term challenges. It is akin to skipping the midterm so we can study for
the final.
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